I have started this blog to replace the family website pages that I no longer update. This is a much easier method for me to keep everyone informed as to what is going on here in Lakewood. I thought I would start with a prayer Jim wrote and read at Grandma's funeral. Mom sent a copy to me and I transcribed it for posterity. It is very heartfelt and nicely done. Kudos to my brother, who is becoming quite a writer. We will miss Grandma, see celebrated her 100th birthday in the previous November, and I am personally very happy she led such a rich, long life. Enjoy Jim's work, I will be back in a couple weeks with updates on Mother's Day, our upcoming trip to Concord, Tilden park and more. Take care. -Chris
A Prayer for Grandma
By James Allan, 4/20/2009
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the gift of our Grandmother Lucille Knipping. You blessed her as your beloved treasure. You gave her the longevity of 100 years. You made her a mother and continued to let her become a great-great grandmother. You gifted her with a husband of fifty years. You surrounded her with true friends and neighbors whose work is that of angels. When she could not walk outside you brought your creatures to her door; the hummingbirds, the quail and even a frog just outside her doorstep.
Grandma’s hands were gifted by you. With love she patiently crocheted blankets and hats for her grandchildren. She was humble and giving in her craft. This Easter Your risen hands reached out to her with the Divine Mercy. We are saying “Jesus I trust in You”. Our Lord Jesus Christ, with the Blessed Mother and all your angels and saints, lifted their beautiful hands with great joy, raising her to heaven to reunite with all her beloved.
In our lives we touch others with love and that love becomes a part of us. Grandma’s treasure of love through God will remain with us all. In our stories we will share the special memories of her with our children. We will watch the love that she once cradled us with grow into the love to carry our own children. This love is through Jesus Christ who holds all our hands. And in Christ’s hands Grandma has been cradled up to heaven.
Photo by Mary.
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